Martin's Japan Pages

Our Man In Japan

18 November 2004

Hanging on

I went climbing tonight for the first time since the quake. I showed my card at reception and I didn't have to pay to climb; I still can't believe that this wall is free! There were four other people on the walls; three lead climbing and one looking at the wall whilst holding a spanner. I started bouldering and pretty soon I was cursing myself for not being able to climb as well as I could in London. After a while one of teh lead climbers said hello and showed me a route that was challenging but easier than the overhang I was attempting. I cracked it after several attempts, but couldn't managed to do it again; I think it'll be a while before I've built up climbing stamina.

While I was bouldering, they guy with the spanner was modifying some of the routes on the overhang lead climb. When he was finished, he started to show me bouldering routes on all the walls. This was great; I was meeting more Japanese people and learning more about the climbing wall too. I also learnt the Japanese for hand ('te') and foot ('ashi'). I still feel like an idiot because I can't communicate properly, so wanting to know these people better is giving me more incentive to learn japanese.

To be honest, I really need a big incentive at the moment. I'm in the middle of a bad case of winter blues, coupled with delayed shock from earthquake and culture-shock. I feel lethargic and fed up with everything. When I don't go out, I'm in my flat wasting time on the internet or watching movies. Lessons last week were getting me down and I was starting to question why I came to Japan in the first place. One side of me things I'll feel like this forever and thinks that I should upsticks and go back to England. Another side thinks that this feeling is temporary and that if I stick it out I'll wonder what I was getting so melodramatic about.


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