Martin's Japan Pages

Our Man In Japan

04 January 2005


First day back at school in the New Year. Both Tokamachi and Tsunan High Schools are open, but since it is Tuesday, I'm at Tsunan. The drive down wasn't as bad as I thought since the ice and snow on teh roads last Friday has cleared.

Last night I went round to Debs to watch Troy with Debs, Hannah and Keiko. Debs cooked Yakisoba too which was tasty. I've really got to get my cookbook out and cook a japanese meal for everyone. I could do with a tidy kitchen first though. Made a start on that task this morning by finally getting rid of three weeks worth of burnable rubbish. Must remember to take the cans and plastics to Seven-Eleven tonight; that'll be another bunch of rubbish rid of. Why do I have lots of rubbish in my flat? Well the system of refuse collection in Japan works like this. You need to seperate your rubbish into lots of groups; metal cans, plastic bottles with clear plastic food trays, patterned plastic food trays, other plastics, brown cardboard, cartons and then burnable rubbish. There is also a catergory for non-burnables which is everything that can't be burned or reycyled and must be buried, such as batteries, broken crockery, videotapes, toys etc. Each of these groups are collected on particular days in the month. Burnables are every Tuesday and Friday, everything else is rotated so it is collected once or twice a month. Also, the rubbish is collected around 7.30-8am from a big cage down the street, and since you're not allowed to put things in there over night, you need to be up early to put your rubbish in the cage before it is collected. Given that I'm not a morning person and that the cold mornings make me get up really late, I've managed to miss the rubbish collections for the last few weeks. Hence the backlog. There is a way to help keep the size of your piles down between collections and that's to use the Seven-Eleven. It has bins for cans and plastic bottles outside, so if need be you can drop off rubbish down there. It's just being motivated to do it. Maybe I should organise a dinner party.


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