Martin's Japan Pages

Our Man In Japan

21 April 2005

Poverty Stricken

I had been looking forward to today quite eagerly. It's 21st of the month so it's pay day. I overspent a lot when my brothers visited earlier in the month so over teh last week I've come dangerously close to having zero yen in my account. And with direct debits due to go out over teh next week, getting paid is quite essential.

So you can imagine my horror when one of my teachers takes a call from teh school ofice to say that I won;t be paid until next week. Apparently I'm the only one in teh school who will be paid a week late; my wages are manually transfered by the school every month but they forgot to do it this month. Just brilliant. And I thought I was becoming much more a part of teh school too.

So, my initial panic was "Shit, I don't have any money at all. How am I going to eat, pay bills, drive to Tsunan?" and I think it showed. The teacher who took the call rang back the school office and arranged for them to advance me 50,000 yen (£250) until I get paid next week. So I can pay for my car rental and deposit some of it into my account to cover any bills that come out this week.

Of all the months this could happen, it had to happen on the one month that I have no money at all. For the last eight months I've had the money I brought over just sat in my account for emergencies. The one month I decide to spend it is the one month I don't get paid. Sod's Law eh?


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