Martin's Japan Pages

Our Man In Japan

12 November 2005

Meet Albi and Rex!!!

At the school festival, one of my students came up to me and said "Martin, ageru". SHe had given me a plastic bag filled with water and two goldfish. I asked why and she said it was a present and ran off before I could say no thankyou.

Thing is, I'm useless with plants, how am I supposed to look after two fish? I managed to drop them twice; the worse of saw the fish and water spill all over the carpark from the roof of my car. Those two accidents aside, at the moment they look healthy. I've found an old glass teapot and put them in there with some bottled water (to avoid chlorine poisoning from 'fresh' tap water). I'm going to head to Musashi soon to find a proper tank and some food for them.

Does anyone have any tips on how I should look after them?


kittykat said...

id give u advice, but it seems i cant look after fish either. I killed mine after 6 days, and my gerbil just died too

13 November, 2005 18:49  

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