Martin's Japan Pages

Our Man In Japan

09 January 2006

Back in Japan

So I'm back in Snow Country. I've been reading lots of online articles about the snow in Tokamachi but I really didn't expect what I found when I got home (see also 9th Jan on the snow blog). Inside, my apartment seemed smaller than I remember, I guess because most of the hotels rooms were the same size the my entire flat. I also found a pile of Christmas cards and New Year's Cards. Thanks to everyone who sent one! I promise ot send personal replies soon.
I also found, while trying to make a pot of tea, that my water pipes had frozen so I had no running water. Idiot! I should have left the water trickling while I was away (flowing water doesn't freeze)!! Keiko was very kind and she rang the landlord. He suggested that I open the taps, warm up my flat and wait; hopefully the ice in the pipes will eventually melt and the pressure will push it through.

After a few hours, still no water, so I headed out for lunch (warm soba) and to buy some snow wellies (clearing before in just my walking boots was okay but not perfect) .

When I came back, I could hear the tap running; success!! This is good news because it means a) I can have a cup of tea, b) I can wash my clothes from the holiday, and more importantly c) I can have a shave. Take a closer look at the picture of me and teh snow and you'll see that I grew a beard on holiday. Isn't it a beauty? Anyways, I'm back now and the beast is itchy so it's time to shave it off.

Of course, I might stop halfway to see what I look like with a goatee.


Erik said...

you look like Neil in that pic!

18 January, 2006 11:46  

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