Martin's Japan Pages

Our Man In Japan

28 February 2006

Back in Japan, back at work

My second day at school after my quick trip home for Will and Lauryn's wedding. I have a bit of jet lag, but I'm lucky since both schools have exams all week and I don't to teach. The end of semester is coming soon too, so the most pressing responsibilty at work I have is to prepare a bonus, non-textbook lesson for the students to do after they've had the results of their exams handed back.
I guess I should also put some time into arranging extra cirricular stuff for the students. I already have a new English Board on the way ("Martin's Second trip back to England") but I've also been thinking of starting some kind of monthly or weekly journal. The idea would be that I write articles in English, distribute copies to the homerooms and invite students to contribute to the next edition. It's a perfect time to experiment with this kind of thing. I can write the first edition while the students takes tests. Then after the tests, students might find time to contribute to the next issue. If I get enough submissions, make a new issue and continue at the start of next year, ready for a fresh set of students to pick it up and, hopefully, contribute.

At least it'll keep my mind of the recent lack of snow.


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