Martin's Japan Pages

Our Man In Japan

15 July 2006

Sugoi Ame!!

Or "Amazing Rain!"
This morning I was meant to wake up, pack my stuff and head up to Niigata for a three team tournament. The weather, however, had other ideas. I knew as soon as the thunder woke me before my alarm that the chances of the tournament being cancelled becase of rain was high. As I laid in the half-sleep I could hear the rain battering my appartment roof. Yep, unless some freak weather system had dumped all this rain on Tokamachi and left Niigata untouched, the tournament would be cancelled. Soon after, Ryan rang to confirm the worst.

So, the day to myself, with a big football shaped hole in it. I tried to plug the gap playing Winning Eleven on the PS2 (completed my World Cup with Mexico) and then got onto the task of preparing my apartment for moving (more on that later). Tonight I'll probably join the Kawaji FC practise to get a bit of real footy in. Then tomorrow, up ot Niigata for the big farewell party. I hope it rains tomorrow night so I can hide my tears.


Satoko said...

I was scared today's thunder!!
Then I was in school and solving a trial test. So I was surprised it very much!

Oh, I created my English blog.
Please come and see it!!

15 July, 2006 21:17  
MartinMc said...

Thanks for you comment Satoko!

Could you tell me the address for your website again? I've lost the bookmark I made. Gomen nasai!

18 July, 2006 00:28  

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