Martin's Japan Pages

Our Man In Japan

28 December 2006

Christmas Night

So, Monday I blogged about my Christmas Day. Let me tell you about Christmas night.

After school I went to Tokamachi Post Office and picked up a parcel of presents from my mum. At home I tidied, wrapped Keiko's present then went for more kerosene (don't want to go cold during the night!).

Keiko came round and we went to Bistro Jyuzen, which seems to specialise in cooking meat and dishes in a european style and so our best bet of a getting a Christmas-sy dinner. And I think we made the right choice. We had half a roast chicken with gratin and steak salad. It was really, really nice. It was actually the first time I've eaten chicken off the bone in a long time (usually Japanese restaurants cook slices or chucks of chicken, but never the whole bird). After coffee we headed back to mine, stopping off at 7-11 to pick up some milk for our dessert.

I've been missing English food in the run up to Christmas. I can't buy mince pies, jam tarts or christmas pudding. I've been looking at recipes and what is available in Japanese shops and realised that it is possible to make your own Christmas pudding. So I did! I heated it up, made some custard and for dessert Keiko and I had my homemade Christmas pudding. And it tasted really good! I was surprised at how tasty my pud was, considering I'd made it only two days before. I think it might become a new xmas tradition of mine. I wonder what gimmick the puds could have. Sake instead of Brandy? Umeboshi instead of cherries? Daikon instead of carrot? I'll give it a go when I've eaten these ones.

After we exchanged pressies. From Keiko I got a box of cool little pressies, including a furoshiki and an arty calendar among others. I was a bit unromantic and gave Keiko a new electronic dictionary. I had an idea for customising it, but didn't have time. Maybe I can try during the New Year holiday. After gifts, we watched "Bad Santa" on DVD, which was quite funny.

So, eat chicken? check. Drink and get a little drunk? check. Give pressies? check. eat christmas pudding? Check! So, not too different a Christmas after all!


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