Martin's Japan Pages

Our Man In Japan

26 November 2004

"Who's for Stuffing?"

Heating still on at school, which is great because it's getting colder outside.

Yesterday is was Annie's birthday and Thanksgiving. Annie had invited all the ALTs to her house for a big thanksgiving dinner which she was prepared with the help of Katie D. They did a fantastic job of it too. They had turkey (two medium sized birds specially ordered from Jusco), potatoes, green bean salad, carrots, stuffing and cranberry sauce. We arranged ourselves around three tables, got out our plates and glasses and then did the American tradition of each person, in turn, saying what they are thankful for. I said I was thankful for my oppertunity to come to Japan and for the great friends I've meet while I've been here, which was a pretty much what everybody else said too; not because we have no imagination, but because that is what we really are thankful for. Then we started to eat. Everything was delicious and there was plenty of food for all eleven us, so much that after I had that post-Christmas dinner feeling of wanting to eat more but not physically being able to. I somehow managed to find room for pudding and tried pumpkin pie for the first time. It had a nice texture to it, but the pumpkin itself wasn't anything special and it was lacking in 'sweetness' which I reckon is a pre-requisite of winter desserts. You could say it is a bit of an aquired taste, but I certainly wouldn't call it a sweet, especially when you compare it with apple pie. The apple pie was great and it helped to feed my winter-blues comfort food cravings. If only I had some custard too.

After the meal, some people left but I stayed with the others to chat, drink and pick one of the turkey carcasses clean. We also helped to tidy the Annie's apartment too as a way to say thanks for the food.

I didn't get back home til 12.30am, which ruined my plans for researching and writing my Christmas list. I think I did managed to reply to some emails and chat on MSN in my drunken haze but I don't remember much.

Today I woke with no hangover (as usual) but the cold apartment made it difficult to leave my bed. I eventually got up and into school on my bike since it wasn't raining.

No lessons again today;all the teachers are using my lesson time as grammar cram sessions for the end-of-term exam's. This is great because it gives me time to write this journal and plenty of time to write the passages for the listening exam. Talking of which, I better get cracking and give something to Tachikawa-sensei by the end of today.


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