Martin's Japan Pages

Our Man In Japan

11 January 2005

Back to School II

My legs are still sore after the weekend's training session. The gym is closed today, but even if it was open I'd be tempted to give it a miss for one night.

The drive to work was a little difficult today. Some of the snow started to melt in the last couple of days but there was an overnight freeze, so the 117 to Tsunan was really icey. Still, with my manual car and the ability to shift to a lower gear to slow down, I felt pretty safe.

Tsunan had their opening ceremony today, so it's the first day back after the Christmas break. The principal made a speech that I couldn't understand. Mana-sensei gave me an overview though. Apparently, in the coming merger between Tokamachi City and surrounding villages, Tsunan has decided to remain independent. The principal was reinforcing the fact that the students should promote a good image of Tsunan, which means they should not be seen to drink or smoke (legal age is 20 for both) and they should act resposibly at all times. Well, we'll see. They also had a 'Black Hair Check'. It's against school policy for any student in Tsunan High School to dye their hair. Even during the brief Christmas break, some students had coloured their hair. Now they're starting back at school, they have until next Monday to dye their hair back to black. I kid you not.


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