Martin's Japan Pages

Our Man In Japan

08 August 2006

Naive Hope of Holiday

I went back home for two weeks, and though it was called a holiday it was anything but. It was very enjoyable because I got to see my family, my brother graduate, and loads of my mates, but fitting so much into two weeks is always going to be tiring.

So when I looked at the blank pages of my diary, which start after this weekend's SummerSonic, I naively hoped that I could gently prepare for next term by day and relax in my nice new flat by night. But I found out today that half of those blank days have been filled up in my absence by the prefecture. After the seminar this week there's a newbie ALT orientation coming up, a speech contest, meetings with my two new schools as well as prep for those, possible summer training sessions with the Chuto soccer team. Oh, and someone turned the heating up to 36 degrees while I was away. And the new term starts in early September, its going to be tough to get everything done.

Still, I had some fantastic news about my new flat. The new flat has the amenties connected and the phoneline can be switched over at any time so I can start moving in. One drawback is that I have to move in by the end of the week so the current landlord can prepare this flat for the next tennant. With the seminar this week, Summersonic this weekend, and the Orientation on next week this would be impossible to do on my own. The great news is that removal men have been arranged to do the hard work for me; all I have to do is pack EVERYTHING in my flat by Friday morning. From looking around me when I got back from work this evening, it seemed to be a tall order. But I got some boxes from Jusco and with Keiko's help I managed to pack everything in my front room. Granted, this does leave the wardrobe, the futon closet and the kitchen, but it could be possible, even with a trip up to Sanjo on Wednesday to finalise things with my new car.

And when I'm moved into my nice new flat, in its nice quiet neighbourhood, I can get some regular, decent sleep for the first time in two years. I'm sure that in itself will let cope with the busy summer!


Erik said...

dude just let me know if you need help! i'm bored!

08 August, 2006 11:47  
MartinMc said...

Really? Thanks. How about you do Thursday and Friday's seminar for me? Ta!

09 August, 2006 01:08  

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