Martin's Japan Pages

Our Man In Japan

11 September 2006

Weekly Round-Up

Another seven days flying by. Here's what I got up to:

Monday 4th - First lessons back at Tsunan. Students seemed pleased to have my lesson, probably because typical ALT activities make English lesson more like larking around when compared to other classes. Met Keiko after work and we saw the rest of the art in Tsunan at Mount Park ski-jo. Less then a week left now to get as many stamps as we can on our passports!

Tuesday 5th - First day at Kawanishi. Introduced myself in English and Japanese to the teachers. Gave my introduction lesson to three different classes, each time receiving three completely different reactions. Keiko and I met again after work to finish seeing art between Kawanishi and Matsudai. Stopped at Musashi on the way back to buy new a new friend for Albi; Roary, a goldfish with tiger stripes. Drop in at Erik's for a chat and to pick up my art guide book.

Wednesday 6th - Back at Tsunan. Temperature dropped to around 21 degrees so I brought my Cadbury's omiyage in for everyone (it would have melted within minutes anytime before). Rang Yahoo BB to change my account to new flat. Told it might take two weeks. Great. Heavy rain in the evening ruins plans to see art after work. Finish off lesson planning at home for Sogo lessons.

Thursday 7th - Second set of lessons at Tokamachi Sogo. Didn't go quite as well as last week's introduction lesson. A bit worried about Roary when I got home. He's not moving much in the centre of the tank. Not eating either. Maybe Albi, who's much bigger, has scared him too much.

Friday 8th - Wake up and find Roary dead in the fish tank. Did he die of fright? I take his body out and go to school. Again, lessons could have been better. When I get back home, I find Roray has developed a yellow belly. Maybe he was properly ill and not just scared. Take him to the Shinano. Spend afternoon with Keiko looking at art around Mion Nakasato. Have a fun enkai in the evening with Tokamachi Sogo English teachers at Toyokichi.

Saturday 9th - Speech Contest in Joetsu. Look at art in Matsunoyama on the way back. Drive up to Katakai to see the display of massive fireworks (no, not a mis-phrase. These fireworks were really, really big. Big enough to shake the ground when they exploded). Took an inventive route between rice fields to beat the traffic home.

Sunday 10th - Last official day of the Art Triennial. Have an early start to see the last of art in Nakasato, Matsunoyama and Tokamachi. Go to Katakai again for the Sunday Display. Heavy rain in the afternoon put loads of people off travelling so was able to park within walking distance of the shrine. Found a great spot behind the Invitation Enclosure and stood for two hours going "Oooo", "Ahhhh", "Sugoi!!". Collapse in an exhusted heap when I get home.

That's the week in a nut shell. Again, lots of photos and video taken. I'll letyou know when I post them.


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