Martin's Japan Pages

Our Man In Japan

18 March 2005

Tokamachi Closing Ceremony

Last day of the school year at Tokamachi. So today they had a closing ceremony. Like the Graduation Ceremony, it was in the main hall but without the banners and decorations.

The first part was the presentation of certificates to four students; three who'd done well in a skiing tournament, the fourth who'd won a japanese play tournament. Then the kyocho-sensei gave a short speech. From my limited Japanese, I think it was about how the second years will become the new third years and the first years will be come the new second years and that every student should be growing up and taking more responsibilty.

After that there was a talk from another teacher. Wasn't sure what he was talking about but the teacher next to me explained that female students in Niigata-ken have the shortest skirts in all Japan (and yes, it is very distracting). My translator also said that the speaker was attempting to convince the girls that short skirts were not kakoi (cool) by saying that short skirts would weaken the immune system and make you more susceptable to flu and colds. Somehow, I don't think that'll be effective.

To close the closing ceremony, the school band played the school anthem. I've heard this many times before but still can't make out the words apart from 'yuki' (snow), 'Tokamachi and 'kita' (north). There was an added attraction this time; three boys took to the stage and did hand signals all the way through the anthem. And these weren't hand signals for snow, Tokamachi or north either, but signals that would be very useful if there was a fire ("Please observe the exits here, here and here"). Chotto hen ne?

So I guess that's it, the school is closed. I still have to wait til 12 before I can leave though.


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