Martin's Japan Pages

Our Man In Japan

15 August 2006

Sweet, Sweet Dreams

Spent the second night in my new apartment last night. I got back from Summer Sonic around 8pm and spent the rest of the night trying to sort out the things in my kitchen. The thinking is that if i can get the kitchen sorted I can cook proper food instead of eating out of Seven-eleven. Also, I plan to use the space at the other end of the Dining-Kitchen room to store the stuff in the bedroom so I can finally get my bed set up.

But sleeping on the matress on the floor isn't too bad, especially when the apartment is quiet and isn;t shaking like the last one. I actually had a dream last night too, the first in a long long time. In it, I dreamt that all my mates from home had come over to Japan for a surprise visit. I had turned up to school one day and found them sitting in a classroom. We all went to a festival later where we wore yukata and danced bon-odori.

I hope for more dreams in my nice new quiet apartment.


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